3 tips for using the Americana app as a pro

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At Americana – the largest multi-sector environment event in North America – there’s a plethora of things to see and people to meet! As organizers, we are committed to provide you the perfect tool to plan your visit and not miss a thing. To do this, we suggest you take control of your Americana experience through our mobile app!

Download it on your phone or tablet, so we can take a look at it together:


TIP 1: Organize your visit

All information about presentations and workshops, speakers and exhibitors can be found on the app. However, there are many. How to navigate? It’s simple. Create YOUR personalized VISIT.

  1. In the “Program”, “Speakers” and “Exhibitors” icons, discover the complete program of Americana and all the exhibitors.
  2. Define your favorites by clicking on the star to the left of each item.
  3. In “My Visit”, you will find your selection only.

My Visit


TIP 2: Use the B2B Schedule for your business meetings

The B2B Schedule allows you to make business appointments with Americana participants. The B2B Area located at the exhibit hall is a great place to hold your meetings with other professionals. A short user guide in 3 steps:

  1. Create your profile via the “B2B Schedule” icon.
  2. Click “Add an Event ” and then “Add Meeting”
    Note: At this stage, you can choose to be unavailable during the times you plan to attend presentations. This way, no one will be able to ask you for an appointment during this time slot.
  3. Find the person you want to meet and choose the time range that suits you, then save.
    Note: The time slots in red indicate that the person is not available at this time.

Your contact will receive a notification by email and on the app, and will have to “Accept” or “Decline”. It is also possible to “Set a reminder” so that the appointment enters your personal calendar connected to your phone. You can then chat via the app to give your contact a meeting point.

B2B Space


TIP 3: Take notes directly in the application

The Americana app allows you to take notes, audio notes and take pictures. You can also give an assessment of the conference on this page.

  1. In “My Visit”, choose the presentation, speaker, or exhibitor you want to note something on.
  2. Click “Take Notes” and choose the type of note you want.
  3. You will find all your classified notes in “My Visit”, Notes tab.



The app gives you an overview of all that America has to offer! Take the time to discover all its features to fully enjoy the event and not miss anything!

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