With a degree in Industrial Engineering, Normand Gadoury has developed cutting-edge expertise in innovation management. Before joining Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ), his skills in the fields of new technologies and business led him to work with specialized groups (Innovitech, Sygertech and Avingco), then as business development manager (Enviro-accès, Enerkem and Univalor), and as Vice President of Polystyvert and Écotech Québec. He also founded three companies, including his consulting firm Finnovia. Normand heads up the Market Development and Sorting Technologies team at ÉEQ and shares his expertise in the environment and economics with sorting centres, processors and recyclers across Quebec in order to foster synergy at each step of the recycling process. His team’s work aims to increase local market development and to enhance the performance of the Quebec curbside recycling system.